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Ye Olde Magic Mag

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Ye Olde Magic Mag'
Land England
Herausgeber Marco Pusterla
Erscheinungsjahr 2014
Letzte Ausgabe fortlaufend
Sprache(n) Englisch
Erscheinungsweise 4 x / Jahr
Themen Historie
Marco Pusterla

Ye Olde Magic Mag ist der Titel eines Zauberperiodikums, das sich vornehmlich mit der Geschichte der Zauberkunst beschäftigt.

Herausgeber und Redakteur ist der in England lebende italienische Zauberkünstler Marco Pusterla. Er brachte zunächst im Oktober 2014 eine Null-Nummer heraus, die gleichzeitig auch als E-Version vertrieben wurde.

Seit Dezember 2014 erscheint Ye Olde Magic Mag regelmäßig jeden dritten Monat, ebenfalls als Papier- und E-Version. Das Format der Papierversion beträgt 14,8 cm x 21 cm, die E-Version erscheint im Querformat, damit es auf dem Tablett lesefreundlicher wirkt.

Die Auflage betrug bei den Heften 1 und 2 jeweils 50 Exemplare, Heft 3 erschien mit 75 Exemplaren


  • Vol. 1 No. 0 - sampler issue. Robert-Houdin, Roxy Award on Magic History. Insert: postcard Roxy Award
  • Vol 1. No. 1 - Count Otnip d'Irrab, Christian Chelman's "Pacte", Chefalo, Dante, Robert-Houdin. Insert: Christian Chelman's token
  • Vol 1. No. 2 - Thomas Denton, Vincenzio Barletti, Magic Books sold in 2014, Amazing Chang, Chris Van Bern, Bartolomeo Bosco. Insert: reproduction of Italian magic advertising from 1787
  • Vol 1. No. 3 - Abraham Colorni, Luca Trono, Robert-Houdin's mystery clock. Insert: details of the mechanism of Robert-Houdin's clock
  • Vol 1. No. 4 - Frantisek Samek, FISM review, FISM book, Stars of Magic playing cards, Pinetti Spanish text. Insert: a "Stars of Magic" playing card
  • Vol 2. No. 1 - Charles Dickens, Annie Abbott in Italy, review of European Magic History Conference, Vanni Bossi, how to collect digital magic. Insert: audio CD of Richard Hambling
  • Vol 2. No. 2 - Byzantine book of secrets, Yank Hoe, the origin of the Matrix trick, magic books sold in 2015. Insert: postcard reproducing a poster of Yank Hoe.
  • Vol 2. No. 3 - The first card stack in history. Insert: reproduction of magic tricks from Balliol 453.
  • Vol 2. No. 4 - Wandohobb: the first black mind reader. Insert: a copy of The Magic Wand from 1913 from the collection of Chris Charlton.
  • Vol 3. No. 1 - Short stories. Translation of tricks from Tommaso Campanella's De Senso Rerum et Magia. Insert: reprint of an Italian "book of secrets" from 1815.
  • Vol 3. No. 2 - Special Collections. Marco Pusterla's magic exhibition. Philip Jonas in Italy. Important magic books sold in 2016. Insert: leaflet for "Magic: the Entertainment of Deception" exhibition.
  • Vol 3. No. 3 - Billy Purvis' book and tricks. Buatier de Kolta's gun patent. Annie Abbott and the "Ernesto Fournier" affair. Insert: scaling card for Billy Purvis.
  • Vol 3. No. 4 - Alexander Canaris - the worst magician in history. Fred Culpitt and David Devant. No insert.
  • Vol 4. No. 1 - The magic tricks of Chefalo, part 1. Robin fined. Review of European Magic History Conference. Insert: Chefalo's photo.
  • Vol 4. No. 2 - The magic tricks of Chefalo, part 2. Early years of Robin. Checklist of Italian magic dealers. Pases magic coin. Felice Brazzetti and theater lightning. Important magic books sold in 2017. No insert.
  • Vol 4. No. 3 - The magic tricks of Chefalo, part 3. Maskelyne's monkey paw. Carlo Pianca performance documents. Review of Belgian Magic History Conference. Insert: postcard reproducing German magic book.
  • Vol 4. No. 4 - The magic tricks of Chefalo, part 4. Suzy Wandas film. Bartolomeo Bosco letters. Books of Verrall Wass. Review of the History Gathering at The Magic Circle. Review of the Vulture Gathering.
  • Vol 5. No. 1 - The magic tricks of Chefalo, part 5. Biography of Jardine Ellis. The real name of Yank Hoe. Books of Verrall Wass. Reviews of the High Country Magic Collectors Conference and of 2nd Italian Magic History Conference.
  • Vol 5. No. 2 - The magic tricks of Chefalo, part 6. Ardo, the man who showed split fans to Dai Vernon. Letter by Bartolomeo Bosco. Antique magic books sold in 2018.
  • Vol 5. No. 3 - The magic tricks of Chefalo, part 7. The Mysterious Lady, part 1. Belgian Magic History Conference.
  • Vol 5. No. 4 - The Mysterious Lady, part 2. Letters about Joseph Velle. The military career of Harry G. Cooke. Okito and the dwarf. Review of the Magic History Gathering @ The Magic Circle.
  • Vol 6. No. 1 - Don Alan's lecture on ethics. Biography of Fred Black. The name "Jap Box". Joseph Velle's adverts. Review of the European Magic History Conference.