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The Magic of Robert-Houdin – An Artist’s Life

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The Magic of Robert-Houdin – An Artist’s Life
Land USA
Herausgeber The Miracle Factory, Inc.
Erscheinungsjahr 2002
Aufmachung gebunden
Sprache(n) Englisch
Seitenzahl 863 (beide Bände
Format 21 x 29,7 cm
Themen Historie
Christian Fechner

The Magic of Robert-Houdin – An Artist’s Life ist der Titel eines zweibändigen Werkes, das von Christian Fechner geschrieben worden ist. Beide Bände kommen zusammen in einem Schuber.


Beide Bände beschäftigen sich mit dem Leben und Wirken des französischen Zauberkünstlers, Erfinders und Autors Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin.

Die Kapitel


  • INTRODUCTION Jacques Voignier
  • ACT I
  • 1700-1805: From Louis Robert to Jean Eugène Robert
  • 1805-1823: A Confiscated Childhood and Adolescence
  • 1823-1825: From Dr. Carlosbach to Maître Pardessus
  • 1825-1828: From Maître Roger to Jean-Martin Robert
  • 1826-1828: The Apprenticeship of the Artisan Watchmaker and the Aspiring Magician
  • The Mysterious M. David of Bordeaux
  • 1828: The Count de Grisy, French Conjurer, known as Torrini
  • 1828-1829: Return to Blois, Mademoiselle Houdin
  • Notes to Act I

  • ACT II
  • 1830: Paris, Here I Come*
  • 1830: Father Roujol
  • 1809-1833: M. Comte, The King’s Conjurer
  • 1800-1832: Olivier, Conjuring Professor of Paris
  • 1830: A Marriage of Love During the July Revolution
  • 1831: The First Son
  • 1831: 1832 – The Componium
  • 1832-1835: A Long Depression
  • 1833: Giovani Bartolomeo Bosco
  • 1835-1836: The Fall of the House of Houdin
  • 1837-1844: The Mechanician and the Watchmaker
  • 1837-1844: The Salon Conjurer
  • 1842: The Little Parisian Curiosity Shows
  • 1843: Philippe Talon, known as Philippe
  • 1840-1846: Vaucanson’s Duck, Von Kempelen’s Chess Player, and Robert-Houdin’s Writing and Drawing Automaton
  • 1843-1844: A Cascade of Mourning and A New Marriage
  • 1844: The Exposition and Phineas Taylor Barnum
  • Notes to Act II

  • 1844-1845: The Big Leap
  • 1845: The Secret Machinery of the Theater
  • 1845: Robert-Houdin’s Soirées Fantastiques
  • 1845-1846: Second Sight and The Inexhaustible Bottle
  • 1846: First Foreign Tour and the Conjurer Louis Courtois
  • 1845-1852: Promotion and Advertising
  • 1847: The Fortune-Teller Alexis Didier
  • 1847-1848: The Ethereal Suspension
  • 1848: Moreau-Sainti – André Voisin
  • 1848-1849: Revolution in France and Triumphs in England
  • 1849-1851: Return to Paris; Pierre Etienne August Chocat, known as Hamilton
  • 1850: The English Connection or the Legrand Trial
  • 1851: Letter on Education; Shows and Children
  • 1851: Roberti de Brescia, De Linsky, Deveaux, Berneuil, and The Electric Light
  • 1852: Farewell, My Dear Parisians
  • 1852-1853: The Final Flames
  • Notes to Act III

  • ACT IV
  • 1852-1854: Hamilton: From Palais-Royal to Boulevard des Italiens
  • 1854: The Photographer André Adolphe Disdéri
  • 1854-1855: Emile and Eugène Robert-Houdin – The Exposition of 1855
  • 1856: The Electric Clock of Blois — Robert-Houdin Becomes a Patronym
  • 1856: Robert-Houdin’s Algerian Saga
  • 1856: Goodbye to the Stage in Marseilles
  • 1857-1858: The Writing of Confidences d’un Prestidigitateur
  • 1858-1859: Raphaël Macaluso, Alfred de Caston, Klosloge, and De Lille
  • 1854-1871: The Myth of “Rest at The Priory”
  • 1859-1871: Les Tablettes journalières of Robert-Houdin
  • 1859-1861: Small and Large Magic Activities in Saint-Gervais
  • 1859-1861: The “Geraud affair” and The “Lassaigne affair”
  • 1860: Mlle. Benita Anguinet
  • 1859-1860: Robert-Houdin and Amateurs Magicians
  • 1860: Alexander Heimbürger
  • 1861: Card-Sharping Exposed and Les Figures du temps
  • 1862: Hamilton and Pierre Edouard Brunnet
  • 1862-1863: The Shop and Wedding of Emile Robert-Houdin
  • 1862: An Unexpected Comeback
  • 1863-1864: François Eugène Lahire, known as Cleverman
  • 1864: Return to The Priory and Robin’s Mythomania
  • 1865: The Davenport Brothers and The Stacey Brothers
  • Notes to Act IV

  • ACT V
  • 1864-1866: The Common Clock, The Electric Light Bulb with a Vegetal Filament, The Musical Telegraph, and Ophthalmology
  • 1864-1866: The Harpsichord or Tympanum Player
  • 1866: A Peaceful Year – The Sphinx and The Talking Head
  • 1866: Hamilton, Cleverman, and Plantet – Tufferau, Littson, Varner, Lynn, and Alfred Stodare
  • 1867-1868: The Chess Player or La Czarine, and Les Secrets de la Prestidigitation
  • 1869: The Grand Affair, The Odometer, and Dr. Epstein
  • 1870: The Year of All Sorrows
  • 1870-1871: The Occupation of Saint-Gervais and Blois during the War of 1870 Described Daily by Robert-Houdin
  • 1871: The Master’s Last Days
  • 1871: Last Farewell Performance
  • Epilogue
  • Notes to Act V

  • Appendix I: The Priory by Robert-Houdin followed by notes taken from a lecture by Eglantine Lemaître Robert-Houdin and complementary notes by the author
  • Appendix II: Texts and biographies written by Robert-Houdin and published in Le Grand Dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle by Pierre Larousse
  • Genealogical Chart