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The Young Conjurer, Part 2

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The Young Conjurer, Part 2
Land England
Herausgeber Will Goldston
Erscheinungsjahr 1910
Aufmachung gebunden
Sprache(n) Englisch
Seitenzahl 93
Format 18,5 x 12 cm
Themen Allgemein
Will Goldston

The Young Conjurer, Part 2 ist der Titel eines Zauberbuches, das 1910 von Will Goldston herausgeben wurde.


Das Buch beschreibt 40 Zauberkunststücke:

  • 5 Take Notice!: note to beginners
  • 7 Wrong Again!: cards
  • 3 A Handkerchief Changed into a Glove
  • 11 The New Flying Coin
  • 13 The Handkerchief and Sealed Tube
  • 15 The Rising Wand
  • 17 The “Page” Cigarette Producer
  • 20 A Silk Handkerchief Changed into a Solid Billiard Ball
  • 22 The “Real” Hypnotic Wand
  • 24 The New Aladdin Rising Card
  • 25 The Visible Card Finding Box (A.E. Page)
  • 28 A Handkerchief Vanish from a Small Cylinder of Paper
  • 31 The Vanishing Pack of Cards
  • 33 Boxes to Vanish Coins
  • 35 The New Egg Bag
  • 37 An Easy Load for a Rabbit
  • 38 Production of a Lighted Cigarette from the Waistcoat Pocket
  • 41 Ribbons from Water
  • 43 Production of a Bouquet from a Borrowed Handkerchief
  • 46 The Broken Hat
  • 48 The Perfect Colour Changing Handkerchief
  • 50 The Passe-Passe Bottle Trick
  • 53 The “Encore” Changing Card
  • 55 The Improved Frame, Handkerchief and Bag Mystery
  • 57 The “Bertram” Billiard Ball Production
  • 60 The Sunshade and the Handkerchiefs
  • 63 An Easy Card “Discovery”
  • 64 The Wandering Handkerchief
  • 66 The Mysterious Hand
  • 68 How to Make Money
  • 70 The Card Stand
  • 71 The Card and the Coin
  • 73 A Mysterious Change
  • 75 To Pass a Finger Through a Penny
  • 76 The Wine and Water Trick
  • 78 The New Production Chimneys
  • 81 Handkerchief Changed to a Lemon
  • 83 The Tambourine Trick
  • 88 The New Dove Pan
  • 88 The "Chung Ling Soo” Rice Bowls
  • 91 The Inexhaustible Box
  • 93 Index
  • 94 Advertisement: Goldston's Magic