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The Penumbra | |
Land | USA |
Herausgeber | Gordon Bean und Bill Goodwin |
Ersch.Jahr | 2002 |
Letzte Ausgabe | 2009 |
Sprache(n) | Englisch |
Erscheinungsweise | 6 x / Jahr |
Themen | Close-up |
Redakteur | |
Gordon Bean, Bill Goodwin |
Penumbra war ein zweimonatlich erscheinendes Zauberperiodikum, das von Gordon Bean und Bill Goodwin herausgegeben wurde. Heft 10 erschien im März 2006, Heft 11 kam im November 2009 heraus.
No. 1, May-June 2002
51 Faces North (Stewart James) 2 Power Trip (Phil Goldstein) 10 Tie Food (Gordon Bean) 12 King Brand (Bill Goodwin) 14
No. 2, July-August 2002
Pinkerton's Ladies (Roy Walton) 2 Mismatched (Ray Kosby) 3 Don't Judge (Michael Weber) 6 Recollected Collectors (Guy Hollingworth) 7 Bits (John Carney) 10 One Good Winner (Allan Ackerman) 12 Corner Kick (Gordon Bean) 15 Room 51 18
No. 3, September-October 2002
The Continental Divide (Lee Asher) 2 Exhibit "A" (David Regal) 6 The Kind is Gone But Not Forgotten (Aaron Fisher) 9 Palm Burst (Nathan Kranzo) 12 Room 51 15 Northern Light (JK Hartman) 15
No. 4, November-December 2002
Neo Purse Frame Routine (Shoot Ogawa) 2 Royal Mayo (David Solomon) 11 Intuition Monte (Steve Ehlers) 12 Pinkerton's Surprise (Roy Walton-Shannon Clark) 15 Corner Kicked Again (Ryan Matney) 16 Further On "The Continental Divide" (JK Hartman) 17 Room 51 17 51 Paces North (Allan Slaight) 17
No. 5, January-February 2003
A Double Shot (Jim Patton) 2 The California Angels (Bruce Cervon) 7 The Cherry Control (Ricky Smith) 13 Color Scheming (JK Hartman) 15 Business Trip (Patrick Schlagel) 18 Centrifugal Nightmare (Scott SteelFyre) 21
No. 6, March-April 2003
A False Cut (Ernest Earick) 2 A Hand For Mr. Scarne (Ernest Earick) 4 Normal Mailer (Phil Goldstein) 10 A Fan-tastic Control (Harvey Rosenthal) 12 The Spider Cut (Jack Carpenter) 15
No. 7, February 2004
Acorn's Progress (Ray Walton) 2 Mirrorskill (Harrison Kaplan) 3 The Gypsy Foretells Further Than Farther (Cushing Stout) 7 Ear Candy (Nathan Kranzo) 10 Déjá vu Cut (Chris Randall) 12 Slap! (Shahin Zarkesch) 16
No. 8, July 2004
Constellation Prize (Justin Hanes) 2 A.M. (Norman Gilbreath) 4 The Card Of Fortune (Andrew Galloway) 8 The Queens (Bill Goodwin) 10
No. 9, October 2005
Muy Bueno Shuffle ( BJ Bueno) 2 Simulated Slip Cut ( Allan Ackerman) 7 Coverted, Up! (J.K. Hartman) 9 Bertram, Braue And Ben (David Ben) 12 The Maddox Stack (Michael Maddox) 16 The Lazarus Insert: One Hand Wahes The Other ( Gordon Bean) 1 Bunny Ears ( Bill Goodwin) 2
No. 10, March 2006
The Sound of One Coin Clinking (David Gripenwaldt) 2 Perfect Order (Shoot Ogawa) 5 Triple Alliance (Roy Walton) 11 Color Shuffles (Part One) (Ronald A. Wohl) 13
No. 11, November 2009
Color Shuffles (Parat Two) (Ronald A. Wohl) 2 A Spectator Named Kennedy (Michael Weber) 7 'N Synch (Raj Madhock, Gregory Wilson) 11 Tell a Phone Too (Raj Madhok) 12 'N Synch 2 (Raj Madhok) 13 The Open Ditch ( Bill Kalush) 14 The Two-Ton Prophet (Gordon Bean) 16